

  SURPRISINGLY  EVER AFTER Charles no be bad guy , he has a very innocent personality. He never cared about 'lovey-doveyness' , he just wanted to live or die. Simple but complex, he spent his first 3 decades without an experience of love. When he eventually opened up his heart to love, it was the whole world to him. Charles saw life in a different light, you know what love does to you right? A year had passed when he found out his lover had two lovers. Charles no dey compete, he walked away, what would you have done? This love thing ehn, once pesin taste am, na to dey want am dey go . He got his broken heart mended in a few months by the comfort of a childhood friend that had always loved him.  Another love matter started. It was much of a shock to him when he found out his new lover was dying of an illness that has a name he chose to never remember. Often, life proves your favorite wisdom quote wrong. The patient (over 30-year old) Charles is yet to eat a fat bone. He...


  Whatsapp Status Turned Ebook I don't understand how someone could write a book from his whatsapp status uploads. I mean, is the book about memes?   This amazing ebook is released today for free . It is a compilation of whatsapp status uploads for about two years.  Someone created and wrote over a hundred quotes on his whatsapp status in two years, that is approximately one quote in every seven days.  We all have different usage of our dear social media platform. Thinking about it, I could do a compilation of my favourite 2022 memes and publish it. If you are reading this, just know that idea is mine, steal it and collect wotowoto . As we round off 2022, let me share with you the  ebook I've been talking about, download for free here: Exerpts from A TRIP IN A CLUMSY MIND       “Someone else is living your dream already; you are living someone else’s dream already. Be thankful for the latter; be challenged to positive ac...


  GIFT FOR GIFT MINDSET People's perception and response to each other's actions is a mystery.  I would rather give last, than take last, that's just how I'm wired. I indubitably know the genesis of this problem is my name. I mean, why would any parent name their only daughter Gift !🤦‍♂️ My natural response to every gift I receive is payback. This is me thinking out loud, why is it called a GIFT if it is not exactly free? If it comes with the burden of wanting to give back? Until I give something back, I feel like I am in debt.  If I am this benevolent, shouldn't I expect the same attitude and response from others?   My friend- Adams and I grew up and practically live life together. Our birthday gifts have been unaltering since age Sixteen. It is fair that we both have one birthday each yearly, the equation is balanced.  When I completed my masters degree, he got me a pair of sneakers. It was easy to be me because his law school graduation was just a mont...


  JE LE FAIS MAIS TU NE LE FAIS PAS! Il fait les meilleures blagues  Elle cache dans l'amour sa féroce possessivité  Il est le plus gentil des ennuyeux  Elle aime, a besoin, prend et veut plus  Je tomberais encore et encore sous ses charmes  Je souhaite à cette étoile filante d'avoir un fusil Le plus chanceux est n'importe quel homme de m'avoir  Les fortunes peuvent être un masque parfait pour les ennuis  N'élève pas la voix, ça réveille les fluides  Ma voix élevée est plus sûre que mon bras levé  Je n'entrerai jamais dans ce ring avec toi  Tu ne le feras pas, parce que tu ne peux pas et ça fait mal Je le tuerais dans mes pensées mais mes actions s'opposent  Le combat est si difficile sans adversaire  Chère Evelyn, aimer c'est souffrir  Chère Evelyn, suis-je odieux ?  Est-ce que je veux toujours ça ?  Cordialement, je FAIS  Est-ce que je sais vraiment ce que je veux ?  JE FAIS, oh non !  JE NE...


CE QUE J'AI COMMANDÉ CONTRE CE QUE J'AI OBTENU! Il faut de la croissance et de l'âge adulte pour accepter le fait que « vous n'obtenez pas toujours ce que vous voulez ». En fait, le symbole principal de la maturité est la capacité de faire avec ce que vous avez (maintenant, je parle comme un perdant). Je parie que nous nous sommes tous retrouvés dans des endroits où nous nous disions <<Comment suis-je arrivé ici !>> Si ce n'est pas le cas, vous ne devriez pas lire ceci, il est classé PG! (Conseil Parental).   Je ne suis pas @Aprokodoctor mais aproko est mon deuxième prénom. Je vais donc partager avec vous des histoires des personnes que je connais à qui la vie et le hasard ont montré de <<La Supériorité>>.   Quelqu'un que je connais a découvert lors de sa nuit de noces la magie de la transformation d'une mariée. Oh, pauvre Alex... La femme avec une belle forme transfiguré en FEMME bedonnante. Ce qui est triste, c'est qu'il ...


  D e a r   N i g e r i a n s, News is going around that many of you think I am of no use. The responsible ones have me at the tip of their fingers but year in year out I never make it out of their purse. When you eventually make me see the light of day, na so so bad choice. This time it appears your choices are very limited: keep me idle in your purse again or make the obvious good choice for once in your history! Well, it's you WAZOBIA people I am talking about. Some will still think they have many choices. In thier mind, there are about five choices to make; - Keep me idle - Abuse me to make some cash  - Use me to enthrone a business man just because "e don try sote, it's time to help him actualize his dreams." - Use me to give the crown to the next oldie in line; either he has something to offer or not, "àwọn lọ kan!" Since the Crown belongs to the King's family only and WAZOBIA's remote control is money and power. - Listen to every aspirant and ...


  C U R I O U S   M I N D       My mind travels, sometimes in cycles. If yours don't, you are most likely not a wise person (don't stone me).      They lied to you that 'curiosity kills the cat'.  In actual fact, it's the only way the cat lives long.        So yesterday, my fiance came around and when I thanked him for stopping by, he said, "if I don't, who will."   It's 4am and I have been up since yesterday evening, solving the puzzle. What does he mean? Why did he reply so fast? Am I that bad that no one else can check up on me? Was he saying it out of love?       No, that can't be! He is not the only one that loves me, I have parents. I remember I told him the story of how people have ignored me in the past. Did he visit me just so I don't feel bad and ignored after losing a big contract earlier this week?      What does this my baby think of me? Should I bring it up or...