C U R I O U S   M I N D 

     My mind travels, sometimes in cycles. If yours don't, you are most likely not a wise person (don't stone me). 

    They lied to you that 'curiosity kills the cat'.  In actual fact, it's the only way the cat lives long. 

      So yesterday, my fiance came around and when I thanked him for stopping by, he said, "if I don't, who will."   It's 4am and I have been up since yesterday evening, solving the puzzle. What does he mean? Why did he reply so fast? Am I that bad that no one else can check up on me? Was he saying it out of love?

      No, that can't be! He is not the only one that loves me, I have parents. I remember I told him the story of how people have ignored me in the past. Did he visit me just so I don't feel bad and ignored after losing a big contract earlier this week?

     What does this my baby think of me? Should I bring it up or let it slide? If I don't mention it now, it will become an issue when we are married.

      If I say something, will he not see me as being insecured and inferior? Do I have inferiority complex? No, I think I am just being a thoughtful partner.

     What if he meant no harm? Well, not all harms are done intentionally but harm na harm.

Abeg, it's morning already!

"...If I don't who will?" 🤔

I will continue in the evening. I have to think it through so I can decide what action to take. But in the meantime,  no picking of calls from "LOML". 



*What was your most ridiculous mind travel about?

*Was she being too extra for interpreting her fiance's response that way?

Drop your answers in the comment section below. Kindly follow on Instagram.

IG: @tawkmagazine


  1. Awesome stuff. Weldone Feyi

  2. I remember when my mum punished me bcos of one bad thing I did and I had this disturbing thought for years if she was my biological mother or not🤣 I just needed to be sure. I totally can relate with this lady. Usually thinkers tend to overthink things but I guess that's the fun

  3. 'You are most likely not a wise person' Lmao, Feyikemi be shading with style🤣

    I think the lady is overthinking it, it us not that deep

  4. She wasn’t, she’s obviously an over thinker and most likely has inferiority complex……..

    I am an over thinker aswell but I wouldn’t overreact to this sentence in particular, rather it’d make me feel more loved and appreciated, and that’s because I do not have inferiority complex.

  5. Wahala be like overthinker o. But it's kinda cool 😎 I love the fact that she's thinking this deep because she might just eventually find clues. Helpful clues

  6. Why does this reminds me of my girlfriend 🤣🤣

  7. Pick his calls please feyi. Don't do this to the poor man.. you are overthinking it

  8. Tawk mama is back🥰 Nice writeup. Why do I feel like for someone to think of this story, she herself must be a curious person, lol

    1. Curious is an understatement, when it comes to this writer

  9. Is people like this that thinks their husband used their destiny for money ritual because he bought them a new car and gave them thousands of naira to make new soup. She definitely have inferiority complex

  10. From an over thinker's perspective, she may be right, why was the response not, "anything for you babe" or something else. "If I don't who will" sounds like he is full of himself. Anyways it could be that he was just kidding or picking on her, because if she mentioned only her family here, that means she is living a boring life so he could be right, If he doesn't check up on her Who will asides her family?
    I won't say it a complex, she is just overthinking, which is not bad in itself.

  11. Lady, you're probably overthinking it because of the insecurity issue you already pointed out. But to rest your mind and build trust with your partner, talk to him about it and stop hiding behind not picking calls😏

  12. Wahala for who no dey think🤣

  13. The not picking calls part. So typical of Feyikemi! Is this your story or should we look for another one? (Injoke)

  14. I think if I consider the actual source of the quote, I will say it is not a big deal. But it's okay to bring it up. When you give the other person an opportunity to explain himself, misconceptions will be dealt with and there will be room for apologies if need be. Bhet you can overthink sha...

  15. There are folks 'think twice' simply doesn't apply to. They've thought it over like 20 times already.
    This lady falls nicely into that category.

    I've once considered what it would be like to see through feline eyes.😅

  16. A deep thinker is definitely an Overthinker but an Overthinker is not necessarily a deep thinker


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